eCARE (Digital solutions supporting continuum of care for frailty prevention in old adults) is a development project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 program with the goal of encouraging independent living, wellbeing and to relieve health and care services budget pressure throughout the implementation of a Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) scheme.

eCARE addresses to deliver disruptive digital solutions for the prevention and comprehensive management of frailty, bringing together 4 procurers from 3 countries: Consorci Sanitari Integral (Spain), Santander City Council (Spain), Azienda Sanitaria Locale Benevento (Italy), A. Falkiewicz Specialist Hospital in Wrocław (Poland) to jointly procure the development, testing and implementation of digital tools/services and communication concepts to facilitate the transition to integrated care models across health and social services.

eCARE target group are the pre-frail/frail older adults with emphasis on those that feel lonely and/or isolated, so we are looking for innovative solutions that can improve outcomes for frailty in old adults entailing the physical and the psychosocial factors.

This questionnaire has been prepared to get an understanding of older adults’ needs as well as social and healthcare professionals’ for recognising needs and delivering care in the management of Frailty and Loneliness; to gain a comprehensive understanding of the barriers that hinder the exploitation of the technology and to understand to what extent the situation changes in different European countries.

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